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Согласно опубликованным на днях документам из секретных каналов обмена информацией Госдепа США, в декабре 2009 г. замгоссекретаря по контролю за вооружениями и вопросам международной безопасности Эллен Таушер на встрече с руководителем военно-политического управления министерства обороны Израиля Амосом Гиладом получила от него инофрмацию о том, на каких условиях Россия предлагала Израилю отказаться от поставок С-300 Ирану. По словам Гилада, Россия была готова заплатить Израилю один миллиард долларов и аннулировать контракт на поставку С-300 Ирану, однако Израиль отклонил это предложение из опасения, что технологии утекут в Китай. П.2 публикует полный текст источника в том виде, как он появился на сайте Wikileaks (С-300 упоминается в пункте 23).

S E C R E T TEL AVIV 002757


E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/22/2019



Classified By: A/DCM Marc Sievers, reasons 1.4 (b),(d)

1. (S) Summary: Under Secretary for Arms Control and

International Security Ellen Tauscher visited Israel December

1-2. U/S Tauscher focused her visit on setting the stage for

a successful Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review

Conference (RevCon) in May 2010. She consulted with GOI

interlocutors on potential strategy in addressing Egyptian

insistence on pushing for the establishment of a nuclear

weapon free zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East, as a way to

divert attention from Iran to Israel. U/S Tauscher

reiterated that the United States will not take any action to

compromise Israel’s security and would consult closely with

Israel — which GOI officials greatly appreciated.

Nevertheless, U/S Tauscher said the United States is

interested in exploring possible small steps involving Israel

to address some of Egypt’s NWFZ concerns regarding the lack

of implementation of the 1995 resolution. GOI officials for

the most part were critical of these tactics, questioning why

Israel should be portrayed as part of the problem. They

recommended a more direct approach to President Mubarak —

thereby circumventing the Egyptian MFA — in which Egypt is

reminded that Iran is the regional nuclear threat. Other

topics discussed include President Obama’s arms control and

nonproliferation agenda, the P5 1 process and Iran’s nuclear

program, the FMCT and CTBT, Jordan’s plans for a nuclear

reactor, and Israel’s qualitative military edge (QME). End


2. (SBU) U/S Tauscher met with National Security Advisor Uzi

Arad on December 1. Arad was accompanied by NSC Senior

Advisor and Nuclear Security Summit Sherpa Gil Reich. In a

separate meeting on December 1, U/S Tauscher met with MFA

Director General Yossi Gal, Deputy Director General for North

America Baruch Bina, and Deputy Director General for

Strategic Affairs Alon Bar. U.S. participants for the Arad

and Gal meetings included Political Counselor Marc Sievers, T

Senior Advisor James Timbie, NSC’s Adam Scheinman, and

political military officer Jason Grubb. U/S Tauscher met for

dinner with Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) and MFA

senior officials on December 1, including IAEC Director

General Saul Chorev, Deputy Director General David Danieli,

and Director for Policy and Arms Control Merav Zefary-Odiz,

as well as MFA DDG Bar and Director for Arms Control Rodica

Radian-Gordon. On December 2, U/S Tauscher met for breakfast

with MOD Political-Military Chief Amos Gilad; U.S. attendees

included Charge D’Affaires Luis Moreno, Timbie, Scheinman,

and Grubb.

Arms Control/Nonproliferation Agenda


3. (S) In various meetings with GOI interlocutors, U/S

Tauscher outlined an ambitious arms control and

nonproliferation agenda, beginning with the President’s

Prague speech, and including other priorities such as a

follow-on to START, CTBT ratification, the upcoming NPT

Review Conference, and negotiating the FMCT. She noted that

negotiations with Moscow on START were slow to develop in

part due to delayed confirmations and Russian wariness. But

U/S Tauscher expected a START follow-on — including a strong

verification regime — soon.

4. (S) National Security Advisor Arad described President

Obama’s arms control and nonproliferation agenda as «daunting

and challenging.» He reaffirmed that the GOI will

participate in the April 2010 Nuclear Security summit in

Washington, noting that PM Netanyahu planned to attend the

summit as discussed between President Obama and PM Netanyahu

during their recent one-on-one meeting in Washington. GOI

Nuclear Summit Sherpa Gil Reich noted, however, that the

Holocaust memorial day in Israel might be a potential

scheduling conflict with the summit. Arad expressed

appreciation for the summit, noting that if the initiative

had been pursued ten years previously, perhaps proliferation

cases such as AQ Khan might have been prevented or at least

controlled. He wished the United States success negotiating

with the Russians on START.

5. (S) Due to the U.S. administration’s prioritization of

arms control and nonproliferation, Arad also noted that the

GOI had recently reconvened a high level committee on these

issues comprised of GOI officials and experts from outside

the government. He noted that the committee had been formed

during President George Herbert Walker Bush’s administration

to analyze treaties such as the CWC and CTBT, but stopped

meeting in 2007. U/S Tauscher expressed interest in meeting

with the group during her next visit to Israel; Arad took the

request on board.

Egypt and the NPT


6. (S) On the NPT, U/S Tauscher reiterated the importance of

a successful Review Conference — including hopefully a

consensus resolution. She raised U.S. concerns over

potential Egyptian actions at the RevCon, based on previous

decades of behavior and «10-15 year-old talking points.» U/S

Tauscher said the United States is not «naive» with respect

to Egypt; nevertheless, the United States must make a

sincere, good faith effort to create the conditions for a

positive RevCon — this might include small steps with Israel

to address some of Egypt’s desire to demonstrate progress in

implementation of the 1995 resolution on a region free of

weapons of mass destruction.

7. (S) That said, U/S Tauscher reiterated that the United

States would consult and coordinate with Israel, and would

take no action that might compromise Israel’s security. She

noted that the United States would like to elevate the NPT

RevCon issue to President Mubarak at an appropriate time, and

expressed interest in developing an alternate communication

track to Mubarak to circumvent the MFA, potentially through

Egyptian Intelligence Minister LTG Suleiman. U/S Tauscher

said her message to Cairo will be «very tough,» and that

Egyptian obstructionist behavior linking Israel to Iran’s

nuclear program is not helping Egypt.

8. (S) Arad said relations with Egypt were «relatively good,»

describing continued dialogue between PM Netanyahu and

President Mubarak, and strong channels of communication at

other levels. In many respects, he said Israel’s relations

with Egypt are almost as good as during PM Rabin’s time.

Arad said Egypt and Israel do not see «eye-to-eye» on some

issues such as Gaza and the Palestinian Authority, but

otherwise relations are strong.

9. (S) Arad described the Egyptian MFA, however, as a

«nagging problem» in the relationship, particularly regarding

the Middle East NWFZ issue, and noted Cairo’s refusal to talk

to FM Lieberman. Other GOI officials expressed exasperation

over Egyptian motivations on the NWFZ; Reich raised Egyptian

behavior at the latest IAEA General Conference, as well as

Cairo’s negative reaction to the IAEA Board of Governor’s

recent statement on Iran. Arad said Israel has supported a

regional NWFZ as far back as 1992, provided Israel enjoyed

peaceful relations with its neighbors. He said the GOI has

spoken frankly with Cairo, noting that such behavior is not

helpful, and is misdirecting focus away from Iran.

10. (S) MOD Political-Military Chief Amos Gilad said Egypt

understands that Iran is the real threat to the region,

noting that a nuclear weapon-armed Iran is a redline for

Cairo. He averred that Egypt does not accept that Iran will

become a superpower, but remains afraid of its own domestic

political situation post-Mubarak. Gilad expressed succession

concerns, noting that Mubarak is «approaching the past more

quickly than the future.» He added that Mubarak does not

have confidence in Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit.

11. (S) MFA Deputy Director General for Strategic Affairs

Alon Bar outlined repeated attempts by the GOI to engage with

the Egyptian MFA, but to no avail. He described Egyptian

actions linking Israel to Iran’s nuclear program in the IAEA

as «not encouraging,» and questioned how to convince Egypt to

drop this «obsession» over the NWFZ. Israel Atomic Energy

Commission (IAEC) Director General Saul Chorev and Arms

Control Director Merav Zefary-Odiz speculated that Egypt

feels challenged by Iranian attempts to acquire nuclear

weapons, and includes Israel in any public attack on Tehran

in order to give Cairo coverage from regional criticism. Bar

argued that the Egyptian MFA raises Israel’s nuclear program

as a «wedge issue» in order to prevent better relations

between Israel and others in the region. IAEC Deputy

Director General David Danieli concurred, noting that Egypt

can use the nuclear issue to put Israel «in a corner» while

benefiting from positive relations between the two countries.

12. (S) Zefary-Odiz also reviewed her participation in an

International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and

Disarmament conference in September 2009 in Cairo. She

described the conference as «very confrontational,» and that

it was clear Israel was targeted by Egyptian interlocutors.

Zefary-Odiz acknowledged that the GOI had anticipated such

behavior, and contemplated skipping the conference. She

noted that Egyptian officials also lambasted Iranian

participants, but were always careful to include Israel and

Iran in the same sentence.

13. (S) Arad said the GOI will take their cue from U.S.

«heavy-lifting»: if there is a small step — «not a

concession,» he stressed — that Israel could take to help

facilitate, then the GOI would consider it. He noted that

the GOI wanted to see a «reversal of trends» from Egypt

regarding Iran’s nuclear program — after all, it is in

Egypt’s interest to do so. He said Israel continues to have

reservations regarding the NPT — following nuclear pursuits

by Libya, Syria, and Iran, it is clear to the GOI that the

NPT is not sufficient and must be strengthened. The goal of

the NPT, he stressed, should not be to «prevent the next

Iran, but to stop Iran in order to prevent the next Iran»

from occurring.

14. (S) Chorev speculated that Egypt will aim to ruin the

RevCon. Bar said the Egyptians have not been held

accountable for past bad behavior at the NPT RevCon — «they

have never paid the price.» He noted that Cairo knows the

importance the United States attaches to a successful RevCon,

and therefore will try to leverage a «high price» in order

not to ruin it. He noted similar tactics with regard to

Egypt’s counter-smuggling efforts along the border with Gaza.

15. (S) Timbie outlined several small steps that might

address Egyptian concerns and demonstrate progress in

implementation of the 1995 resolution and the Middle East

NWFZ: an IAEA forum on the experience of other regional

NWFZs; a special coordinator or rappateur on 1995 resolution

implementation; a statement from the United States, United

Kingdom and Russia reiterating the importance of the 1995

resolution; and exploring text with Israel and Egypt on

universality and compliance.

16. (S) Gilad questioned these steps from a

«tactical/strategic» context, and suggested this was not a

tactical matter. He argued against creating the impression

that Israel was the problem. Instead, Gilad recommended a

strategic, traditional approach — concessions will only be

used by Egypt as leverage. He suggested the United States

remind Egypt of its special relationship based on U.S.

support, and reaffirm that Iran is the «bad guy.» Gilad said

Egypt should also be reminded that most countries in the

region agree with the NWFZ concept in principle; the Egyptian

MFA’s insistence on an immediate NWFZ neither fits the

current political reality nor makes sense as it diverts focus

from Iranian intransigence. He noted that Egypt listens to

the United States; it is therefore important to speak clearly

and directly when taking the issue to Mubarak.

17. (S) Chorev and Zefary-Odiz argued these steps had been

tried in the past — and had failed. Danieli questioned why

Israel should take any steps at all. Based on experience at

the IAEA and the UN First Committee on Disarmament and

International Security, he said «nothing satisfies Egypt» as

Cairo «pockets every concession» and demands more — «it’s a

slippery slope.» Danieli said Israel will not «play by

Egypt’s rules.» Bar concurred, noting that Egypt will «raise

the bar,» and begin negotiations with these small steps as

the baseline — he was skeptical such steps would prove


18. (S) Arad characterized these steps as «talking endlessly»

— that is «not progress,» he said. He was uncomfortable

discussing Israel NPT compliance, especially as Israel is not

a party to the treaty. He also raised concerns regarding the

definition of the Middle East NWFZ — did it also include

Pakistan, India and Iran, for example? Arad said such

questions should be posed to Cairo — if Egypt is willing to

include Pakistan in its definition of a Middle East NWFZ,

then we can take that as a signal that Cairo is ready for a

serious conversation on the matter.

19. (S) Zefary-Odiz argued that the NPT as a «global

solution» is not appropriate in the current political

realities of the Middle East. Due to the region’s prior

track record of NPT non-compliance, she said a gradual,

step-by-step process employing confidence building measures

be used to improve relations between neighbors. NPT partner

obligations should be enhanced, not reduced, she said.

Zefary-Odiz noted that only after peaceful relations are

established can arms control measures be pursued, starting

with conventional weapons and later focusing on

chemical/biological/nuclear arms. She said that Egypt and

other Arab states de-link comprehensive peace from arms

control measures — Israel views these elements as

inseparable and sequential.

20. (S) On a related note, Chorev asked if Israel should

attend the RevCon as an observer. U/S Tauscher and Timbie

replied that the decision was ultimately the GOI’s to make,

but offered to raise the issue in Washington . Chorev noted

that Israel would be careful not to «make any noise,» and

could play a positive, consultative role. On the other hand,

Danieli acknowledged the argument that as a non-party,

perhaps it was not appropriate for Israel to attend.



21. (S) U/S Tauscher said the United States was very

concerned about the recently announced Iranian plans to build

ten additional uranium enrichment facilities. She reiterated

the two track strategy of persuasion and pressure, and noted

that the time for persuasion is «waning.» U/S Tauscher said

the United States has «created the coalition» it had hoped

for, and was happy to see the recent IAEA BOG’s resolution

transferred to the UNSC.

22. (S) U/S Tauscher noted that the United States was working

hard through the P5 1 process to encourage Russian and

Chinese cooperation to counter continued Iranian

intransigence and inflammatory rhetoric — Russia and China

are «lynch pins,» she said. She noted that Russia had worked

closely with the United States on the Tehran Research Reactor

(TRR) proposal, which Moscow considered an «elegant

solution,» — but Iran had not agreed. Keeping Russia

engaged, U/S Tauscher explained, also means Chinese


23. (S) MOD Political-Military Chief Amos Gilad described

recent Russian cooperation on Iran as encouraging, but

expressed reservations that Russia would join in any

sanctions against Iran. He explained that Moscow has raised

the provision of sophisticated Israeli unmanned aerial

vehicle (UAV) technology in exchange for canceling the S-300

sale to Tehran. Gilad said that Russian interlocutors had

acknowledged development gaps in their UAV platform, and is

prepared to pay USD one billion for Israeli UAV technology.

He reiterated that Israel will not provide its latest UAV

technology, arguing that such technology would likely end up

in the hands of the Chinese.

24. (S) Arad said the GOI appreciated the United States’

efforts regarding Iran, noting how hard the United States has

worked to build an alliance. He pointed to the recent IAEA

Board of Governor’s resolution as a successful example of

U.S. efforts. Regarding the Qom facility, Arad said the GOI

was not surprised by Tehran’s «chutzpah.» He described a

high degree of alertness in Israel, and added that the GOI

studies daily Iranian posturing and boastful announcements in

an attempt to discern Iranian intentions. Arad commented

that the trends are bad, as Iran continues to accumulate low

enriched uranium.

25. (S) MFA DG Gal said there was not much difference in the

national intelligence estimations (U.S., UK, France, and

Russia) regarding Iran. He said the GOI takes «very

seriously» Iranian plans for ten new enrichment facilities —

«time is of the essence,» and «now is the time to implement

crippling sanctions,» he added. Gal likened the case for

enhanced sanctions to prescribed antibiotics from a doctor —

one must take the full course of antibiotics for the

prescribed period of time, or they will not work.

26. (S) Turning to his crystal ball, Gilad was not sure

Tehran had decided it wants a nuclear weapon — but is

«determined» to obtain the option to build one. He

acknowledged that the engagement strategy is a good idea —

«as long as you understand that it will not work.» Gilad

said it should be clear by February 2010 that engagement as a

option has failed — the imposition of «crippling sanctions»

for the February/March/April timeframe is crucial. He said

Russian cooperation will be the key, and the current Russian

cooperative mind-set cannot necessarily be counted on in

several weeks time. By June of next year, Gilad said it

should be clear whether sanctions have worked. However,

given Tehran’s clandestine nuclear program (e.g., Qom), he

said it will not be clear when Iran has reached the «point of

no return» — he doubted Iran will choose to let it overtly

known that it has produced a nuclear weapon.



27. (S) IAEC DG Chorev raised the FMCT’s future in the

Conference on Disarmament. U/S Tauscher acknowledged

frustration with Pakistan, and noted that while Washington

places a high priority on the FMCT, other efforts like a

START follow-on and the CTBT will come first. Timbie added

that it will take some time to negotiate an FMCT.

28. (S) Chorev asked about the current prospects for CTBT

ratification in the Senate. U/S Tauscher noted that the

START follow-on was a higher priority, and said the Senate

will likely focus on the Law of the Sea treaty before turning

its attention to the CTBT. She pointed to mid-term

Congressional elections in 2010, and explained that focusing

on the CTBT in 2011 might be more prudent given the

controversy associated with the treaty. U/S Tauscher

explained the necessity of making the case for the CTBT, and

hoped to build political momentum in favor of the treaty

through the release of the Nuclear Posture Review, a new

national intelligence estimate, and the handover on the

stockpile stewardship program.

29. (S) Chorev asked that the United States consult with the

GOI on the CTBT, where he said Israel could be «more flexible

than the FMCT.» U/S Tauscher asked if the GOI might be

willing to make affirmative statements in support of the

CTBT; Chorev made no promises, but suspected such a statement

might be possible — especially if it would help with Senate


30. (S) Chorev described the FMCT as «very difficult» for

Israel. Scheinman confirmed that negotiations would be based

on the 2006 draft FMCT text, with an added verification

regime that is being worked on — he described the

verification regime’s definitions as «critical» in that

regard. Danieli questioned the FMCT’s added value, arguing

that it would have little impact. He asked who was the

FMCT’s real target — India, Pakistan or even Israel?

Jordanian Nuclear Reactor


31. (S) IAEC DG Chorev raised Jordanian plans to build a

nuclear reactor. He said the GOI has decided not to oppose

the reactor, and have offered the Jordanians Israeli

expertise on where best to build it. Chorev said the IAEC

formed a steering committee with its Jordanian counterpart

comprised of three working groups focusing on safety,

geological surveys, and water issues. Chorev said the

steering committee first met in Amman in June 2009, and is

waiting to convene again. Danieli stressed that the GOI does

not want to hamper the Jordanian nuclear plans, but added

that Israel has concerns about border issues and security

associated with the reactor. Timbie said the United States

is pushing Jordan to sign a 123 Agreement along the same

lines as the recent agreement signed with UAE, only stronger.

Zefary-Odiz noted that Egypt is putting tremendous pressure

on Jordan not to accept a 123 Agreement.


32. (S) U/S Tauscher reiterated the United States’ strong

commitment to Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge (QME), and

expressed appreciation for the GOI’s willingness to work with

us through the newly created QME working groups. Both MOD

Pol-Mil Chief Gilad and MFA DDG Bar commended the newly

created QME working groups, and asked they be scheduled to

convene as soon as possible.

33. (U) T has cleared this cable.


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